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German original high-quality high-purity OPC
**OPC proanthocyanidin powder capsules

6 servings / one-year amount directly mailed by the German Pharmacy

Prevent early generation of skin wrinkles, remove harmful free radicals in the body, reduce tissue inflammation, reduce allergies and allergic reactions, strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation
Improve eyesight

Oligomeric proanthocyanidins, OPC for short, is an important plant material with high efficiency.

Pure OPC is a natural protective agent in plants. It is found as a secondary plant material in many plants and plant components. Grape seeds, apples, coconuts, ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo biloba), pine bark and peanut red cuticles have particularly high OPC content.

Prevent early generation of skin wrinkles
Grape seed is a natural sun covering and can prevent ultraviolet rays from damaging the skin. Dr. AH Arstilla of Finland found in experiments that the sun can kill 50% of human skin cells; but if grape seeds are used to protect it, about 85% of skin cells can be protected.
The proanthocyanidins in grape seeds can repair damaged collagen and elastic fibers (Elastin Fibers). Therefore, the double protection of grape seeds from the inside out can prevent the early appearance of skin wrinkles and make the skin smooth for a long time. , Full of flexibility.

Remove harmful free radicals from the body
Free radicals are one of the important causes of aging and many diseases. It is estimated that about 80%-90% of aging and degenerative diseases are related to free radicals, including cancer, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, skin Dark spots, cataracts, heart disease, etc.
Therefore, the elimination of harmful free radicals is essential to maintain the health and youth of the body. The proanthocyanidins in OPC are 50 times stronger than vitamin E and 20 times stronger than vitamin C against free radicals.

Reduce tissue inflammation
Proanthocyanidins can reduce tissue inflammation by inhibiting prostatin, cytokinin, tissue ammonia, lipoxygenase, cyclooxygenase, etc.

Reduce allergies and allergic reactions
Proanthocyanidins can reduce the release of tissue ammonia, and at the same time promote the re-storage of excess tissue ammonia in the body. It can also inhibit the degranulation of mast cells, thereby alleviating symptoms such as allergies, asthma, and hay fever. In Europe, if you encounter allergies and other discomforts, most doctors recommend OPC first.

Strengthen blood vessels and improve circulation
Proanthocyanidins can improve blood circulation, restore lost capillary function, strengthen fragile blood vessels, and thus make blood vessels more elastic.
Proanthocyanidins are called "Atherosclerosis Antidote" (Atherosclerosis Antidote). For those with insufficient arteriovenous function, proanthocyanidins can effectively relieve symptoms such as pain, edema, and night cramps. Therefore, European doctors usually recommend that patients with varicose veins take OPC.

Improve eyesight
An experiment involving 100 people who had no eye diseases showed that proanthocyanidins can improve vision under dim light; this is for night drivers,
People who watch the screen for a long time, etc., are helpful. For retinopathy caused by diabetes, European and American doctors also recommend that patients take OPC.

Researchers at the Technical University of Braunschweig found that through our body we need to have only a certain chain length from OPC, sind. OPC points are single chain length and two chain lengths up to fünfkettigen length. And it is very important here that only double strands as long as five strands are best absorbed by the body! Therefore, the warning in the OPC 95% statement, because the measurement method used here is often too vague, the length of the chain is not determined, the OPC capsule haben.Zusätzlich at the end goes to one, which analyzes the OPC precision measurement with the highest accuracy method. The HPLC-PDA analysis of TU Braunschweig very accurately measures how much OPC content our high-quality OPC contains.

Our premium OPC capsules are analyzed and measured by TU Braunschweig's HPLC-PDA.

Use different analysis methods to measure our advanced OPC capsules. Especially the best method: HPLC PDA analysis. Therefore, with 100% security, we can claim OPC with 81% OPC score

General way of taking:
It is best to half an hour before or after a meal, otherwise OPC will be bound in the digestive tract of protein and cannot fully function. Therefore, OPC should not be taken with foods containing protein.

For sensitive stomach: Due to the high dosage and very high purity of the product, we recommend taking it with liquid half an hour after breakfast or half an hour after lunch.

    德國原裝 高純度 白藜蘆醇葡萄仔 OPC 高劑量 350mg 粉末膠囊 半年份

    NT$4,200 Regular Price
    NT$3,800Sale Price

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